Our Credentials

Our Tie-Ups

1. Ruhfus Sustemhydraulik GmbH, Germany.
2. Cospack (UK) Ltd, United Kingdom.
3. Cosmo Group, Germany / Thailand.
4. Nirkon Industries Pvt. Ltd., India.


Our Affiliations

1. Member of Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, Calcutta, India.
2. Member of Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Calcutta, India.
3. Empanelled with UK Trade & Investment, Calcutta, India.
4. Empanelled with U.S. Commercial Service, Calcutta, India.
5. Empanelled with Canadian Trade Centre, Calcutta, India.
6. Empanelled with Kazakhstan Trade Development Centre, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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Contract signed on

Contract with Ruhfus (Germany) was signed on 20.10.08 for industrial marketing.
Reach Us

Phone:+91 33 2486 4353/+91 33 2485 1816.
Fax: + 91 33 2486 4357

Mobile: +919830173073